What was the impact of Caribbean Modern Movement Architecture?
This is the central theme of the first Caribbean DOCOMOMO seminar that will be held on the island of Curaçao in co-operation with UNA from April 27 to 29, 2009. A number of renown Caribbean architects will be presenting cases of the Modern Movement in their respective home countries.
Program and registration
The seminar is open to anyone, interested in modern architecture and entrance will be free. On April 27 and 28 there will be lectures in the Aula of UNA, starting at 20:00 hours. On April 29, in the morning, the seminar will be concluded with a debate in the former Public Library building, the current NAAM accommodation in Willemstad. Participation in this closing event will be restricted to invitees.
- The complete seminar program can be viewed via this link
- For your registration please use the following e-mail address.